Student Workshop: Interview Skills
The Department of English and Humanities at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) organized a workshop on “Interview Skills” to help students feel confident and make the right preparations to face interviews. Ms. Nadia Rahman, Assistant Professor of DEH, conducted the workshop on January 6, 2022 and spoke about her experience in interviews.
Ms. Rahman underlined the importance of being confident and prepared because, at interviews, the applicants are evaluated on what they have to offer. Ms. Rahman emphasized that enthusiasm, pro-activeness, and intelligence can impress an interviewer. She advised students to be alert after sending applications so that phone calls or emails are not missed. Ms. Rahman also engaged with the students by asking various questions after which they were provided with pointers on how they can precisely and successfully handle different situations.
One of the key pieces of advice was to thoroughly conduct a background study of the institution or company applied to. Following that, applicants should customize their responses according to the company’s individual requirements. Ms. Rahman noted that ensuring timely arrival to relaxing nerves and preparing to tackle the interview are essential to making a good impression. She also provided tips on how interviewees should present themselves, be mindful of their body language, know the appropriate formal wear. and carry minimal bags or files. Since the interview is taken to learn more about the applicant, the latter must generate interest in the interviewers by passionately talking about their acquired skills, their aspirations and goals. Ms. Rahman warned the students to be careful about mentioning information that might give away their weaknesses.
Another area on which the workshop focused was knowledge of culture when preparing for interviews for foreign scholarships. Ms. Rahman provided tips for engaging in Cultural Exchange Programs and participating in cultural events because doing so demonstrates awareness of one's own culture as well as that of others. This can be an added advantage in an applicant’s portfolio.
Common interview mistakes were discussed and additional tips were provided on how to deal with unfamiliar questions. The workshop concluded with a lively discussion where Ms. Rahman encouraged the students to be confident and offered further advice in response to their questions and concerns.
Report by Amina (193013022)