DEH Student Workshop (SU22): Interview Skills
The Department of English and Humanities at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh organized a workshop on “Interview Skills” on September 1, 2022. The session was conducted by Ms. Nadia Rahman, Assistant Professor, DEH. The workshop is a part of the series of mandatory workshops tailored for students of ENG413/498/499 of Summer 2022 and aims to provide guidance on the necessary set of skills to ace an interview.
Ms. Rahman started the session with a brief overview on knowing the purpose for particular interviews and guided the participants through the possible networks to seek these opportunities. She proceeded to detailed pointers on polishing interview skills within the participants which included dress code, language skills, body language, punctuality, and communicative tactics. Ms. Rahman emphasized on being mindful about utilizing every possible skill in connection to the job position and organization.
One of the key pieces of advice was to use minor subjects as a bonus point to secure the position in the role that the company expects from the interviewee. She proceeded with an interactive question and answer session to enlighten students about connecting their backgrounds to the job description. Furthermore, the session exhibited various ways to incorporate extracurricular activities, aspirations, academic skills, non-academic skills, and software skills in interview communication to ensure a good impression.
Towards the end of the session, common interview mistakes were discussed and the facilitator asked the students to refrain from sharing personal irrelevant information during an interview. She said that the focus should be on a positive and confident interaction that will ignite general interest in the candidate. This may include a conversation about a project that the participant is proud of or turning a weakness into a strategic skill for moments where the interviewer may put the participant in a challenging situation. Ms. Rahman ended the session with some more valuable insights for interviews and encouraged the students on their upcoming journey.
Report by Sonjida Shajnin (182013029)