Answers to Higher Studies Concerns: DEH Workshop on ‘What to Expect in Grad School’
The Department of English and Humanities at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh organized a workshop/talk on ‘What to Expect in Grad School,’ focusing on the student's expected lifestyle and educational affairs if they are planning to study abroad. The facilitator of the event was Ms. Qazi Mustabeen Noor, PhD Scholar, Queen’s University, Canada, and former Lecturer, Dept. of English and Humanities, ULAB. Hosted by Ms. Nadia Rahman, Assistant Professor, and MA Coordinator, Department of English and Humanities, ULAB, the event was held on Saturday, 26 November 2022 at 7 pm on Zoom.
To help students who are thinking of studying abroad, Ms. Qazi Mustabeen began the workshop by sharing the experiences of her MA years and the experiences of her current PhD days. She rightfully pointed out the educational differences between Undergrad and Grad schools. According to her, undergrad programs focus on exams and assignments as milestones whereas the Grad schools not only absorb but also produce knowledge. A key question she raised was, “Are Bangladeshi Students Prepared For Grad Studies Abroad?” – a question which uncovered multiple perspectives of students as some believe they do and some believe they don’t. The answer was later given by the facilitator herself as she mentioned that “We are never ready until we are.” Afterwards, Ms. Noor gave an overview of the financial matters and planning for studying abroad, the Western individual lifestyle, and advanced preparations that the students should take in order to study for their higher degree.
The student participants, their curiosity piqued by Ms. Noor’s pointers, asked various questions at the end of the session, and cleared their concerns regarding studying abroad
The event was concluded by the Department Head, Ms. Arifa Ghani Rahman, as she shared her experiences during her own higher studies years, and gave her vote of thanks to the event facilitator.
Report by Shahriyer Hossain Shetu (223055006), Teaching Assistant