10th Curriculum Integration: Forum Two with Prof. Kaiser Haq
The Department of English and Humanities at ULAB organized the Second Forum of the 10th Curriculum Integration Program on the theme of “Navigating Geopolitical Realities: The Role of Language and Literature” on February 19, 2024. The speaker for the forum was Prof. Kaiser Haq, Dean, School of Arts and Humanities, ULAB. The program was conducted specially for the undergraduate students of the English Department.
Prof. Haq, Professor and Dean, School of Arts and Humanities, provided insights into how geopolitics was crafted, leading to the formation of new territories and economic superpowers. He explained the importance of the waters that the Western countries used to excel in their trade and influence the global economy as a whole. Prof. Haq also provided insights into how geopolitics had altered the views towards culture, tradition, language, and literature and formulated a new strategy for producing and redefining language and literature. Using the Eastern classics such as the Mahabharata, Bengali authors, and Western literary pieces and authors, Prof. Haq further explored how the geopolitical realities have ultimately been crafted into culture, tradition, language, and literature.
The session proceeded to a question-answer session where the students and faculty members asked several interesting and relevant questions which Professor Haq responded to in great detail. The session finally concluded with a vote of thanks by Arifa Ghani Rahman, Head, Department of English and Humanities. The session was hosted by Golam Kader Zilany, Senior Lecturer, Department of English and Humanities.
The talk is available on the DEH YouTube Channel.
Report by Nafiur Rahman (203013012)