SP Workshop I (Summer ‘24): Citation Mastery: Elevate Your Referencing Skills
On July 3, 2024, the Scholars Program committee of the Department of English and Humanities, ULAB, organized a workshop titled “Citation Mastery: Elevate Your Referencing Skills” to help the students of the Scholars Program review the basics of citations. The workshop was facilitated by Ms. Arifa Ghani Rahman, Head of the Department of English and Humanities.
The program began with Marifa Khan, a participant of the prestigious program, sharing her experience of participating at a recent conference held at Jahangirnagar University.
Arifa Ghani Rahman then went through the different forms of citations that are of relevance to various fields such as literature, language, and linguistics. She explained the importance of citations for a research paper and how they can bring credibility to a work. In addition, she explained the common mistakes that are often found in the works of the students conducting research. She provided valuable insights of how these mistakes can be avoided.
Ms. Rahman offered some tips on identifying the types of sources which can help to determine how to search for citation formats. Examples of in-text citations were provided alongside the Works Cited or References lists.
The program ended with an engaging session with the members of the Scholars Program participating in online exercises to test their mastery of citations.