Student Workshop (FA24): Recommendation Letters - Ground Rules
On December 5, 2024, the Department of English and Humanities at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh organized a workshop titled, "Recommendation Letters: Ground Rules". This workshop provided essential insights into the art of creating and requesting impactful recommendation letters and sought to assist undergraduate students enrolled in ENG 4208, ENG 4298, ENG 4299, as well as graduate students to understand the art of requesting and using recommendation letters. The session was facilitated by Ms. Nadia Rahman, Assistant Professor at DEH.
Ms. Rahman commenced the session by defining what a recommendation letter is and highlighting the necessity for it to be engaging. She then proceeded to introduce the four categories of recommendation letters: academic, professional, personal reference, and extracurricular, stressing the importance of tailoring each letter to its specific purpose. She guided participants on the appropriate etiquette for requesting letters and emphasized the importance of approaching faculty well in advance, ideally 3 to 4 weeks prior to the deadline, as well as ensuring that the selected recommender is well acquainted with the applicant’s accomplishments and attributes.
Ms. Rahman further elaborated on the contexts in which recommendation letters are generally needed, including job applications, study abroad, internships, and scholarships. She highlighted the importance of aligning the letter's content with the particular job or program, whether it involves emphasizing research abilities, leadership traits, or teamwork skills. Following this, she led a detailed discussion on email etiquette, advising students to send courteous and precise requests, include relevant documents such as resumes and transcripts, and underscore key achievements to effectively guide the referee. Additionally, she outlined the key elements of a persuasive recommendation letter, which is composed of a strong opening, specific instances of the applicant’s strengths, a confident endorsement, and a suitable closing.
The session wrapped up with a reflective examination of the do’s and don’ts, where she emphasized that creating a recommendation letter demands honesty, accuracy, and professionalism while warning against vague statements, irrelevant information, and mistakes. Delivered with clarity and compassion, the workshop provided participants with a profound understanding of how to approach recommendation letters as a cooperative and significant endeavor, ensuring they leave a lasting impact on their recipients.
Report by Rabeya Rahman (183013032)