DEH Student Workshop: Presentation Skills

DEH Student Workshop: Presentation Skills

Publish Date: 
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Department of English & Humanities (DEH)

On August 24, 2023, the Department of English and Humanities (DEH), University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), organized a workshop on “Presentation Skills” at the institution's permanent campus. The last of the series of workshops, mandatory for the students of the courses ENG 413, ENG 498, and ENG 499, was facilitated by Nadia Rahman, Assistant Professor, DEH, ULAB.

Ms. Rahman explained the various factors associated with an individual's presentation. She provided explanations according to contemporary practices. Notably, Ms. Rahman focused on the visual factors a presenter must be careful about while giving a PowerPoint Presentation, including the colors and the size of the fonts they use. The facilitator suggested that the students prepare themselves adequately while being cautious about possible technical difficulties during their presentations.

The facilitator then discussed the gestures and postures a presenter should maintain and refrain from using during the presentation. She elaborated on how these factors impact the presentation and further discussed the importance of confident body language in an individual's overall presentation. Furthermore, she emphasized the pace of a speaker's speech, as a lot of this issue determines the audience's interest and attention span in the presentation.

The workshop ended with a round of questions and answers, allowing the students to clarify their inquiries. The facilitator demonstrated real-life examples for the students' understanding, and provided the students with tips and tricks, as most of them reported that they suffered from nervousness and anxiety during their presentations. Lastly, Ms. Rahman advised students to design their presentations according to the nature of the event, whether formal or informal.


Report by Sumaiya Swati Udita (193013047)