Dr. Md. Mahadhi Hasan is a teacher, trainer, and researcher in the fields of English language, TESOL, teacher education, and applied linguistics. Prior to joining ULAB, Dr. Mahadhi obtained his PhD in Communication (new media and language) from Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He investigated the influences of new media usage on learner motivation, collaboration, and learning English language skills at the tertiary level in Bangladesh. He completed his MA in TESOL with distinction from Brac University and his BA in English from Comilla University with second position. Dr. Mahadhi taught at Brac University, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, University Putra Malaysia, East West University, and Southeast University. During his career at different universities, he has shown innovation in branding, organizing big events, leading student clubs, debating, and working for society.
He has delivered 13 invited talks in Malaysia, Nepal, India, and Bangladesh. Besides, he has conducted 20 workshops on different topics at home and abroad. Dr. Mahadhi has published articles in Scopus and other referred and indexed journals locally and internationally. He is promised to learn and teach in order to enlighten the students he teaches.
Bachelor of Arts in English
Master of Arts in English
PhD in Communication (New Media & English Language)
Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
BRAC University, Bangladesh
BA in English
Comilla University, Bangladesh
New Media (EdTech), English Language Teaching/Learning, TESOL, Teacher Education, and Indigenous Language and Literature.
Graduation on Time (GoT) Award for PhD, 2019, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Seminar and Workshop Conducted/Attended
- Uddin, M. K., Mia, S., Hasan, M. M., Shahjahan, M., & Amin, S. N. (2023). A Reference Book on Keyword Sequence Importance (KSI): A Novel Method for Scientific Writing, Ahmadu Bello University Press Limited, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
- Anis, M. I., & Hasan, M. M. (2025). From Reflection to Practice: A Qualitative Study of Teaching Practicum Experiences. EDUCASIA: Jurnal Pendidikan, Pengajaran, dan Pembelajaran, 10(1), 13-26. https://doi.org/10.
21462/educasia.v10i1.295 - Silfani, A. N., Basikin, B., & Hasan, M. M. (2025). Teachers’ Strategies to Enhance Students’ Higher-Order Thinking Skills. Entity: English Teaching and Commonality, 1(1), 1-10. https://journal.
pradanainstitute.id/index.php/ entity/article/view/3 - Hasan, M. M. ., Islam , S., & Sufian, A. (2025). Cultural dislocation and diasporic identity in Amitav Ghosh’s The Shadow Lines, The Glass Palace and The Hungry Tide. Journal of Human Sciences, 22(1), 32–42. https://doi.org/10.
14687/jhs.v22i1.6523 - Hasan, M. M., Yesmin, M. M., & Hossain, M. K. (2024). Effects of English Medium Instruction (EMI) on students’ academic and speaking performance: comparison between English major and non-English departments. Ilha do Desterro, Vol. 77, 1-22. https://doi.
org/10.5007/2175-8026.2024. e100248 (Scopus Indexed - Q2) - Hasan, M. M., Khanom, S., Rumman, A. M., & Fatema, K. (2024). Blended Supervision of Thesis: Lessons and Future Directions from COVID-19 and Post-Pandemic Situation. Crossings: A Journal of English Studies, 15(1), 196–214. https://doi.org/10.
59817/cjes.v15i1.572 - Islam, M., Hasan, M. M., & Mahmud, R. (2024). EFL teachers' perceptions of AI's impact on academic integrity and pedagogy in Bangladeshi universities. Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching, 8(2), 564–579. https://doi.org/10.
30743/ll.v8i2.10082 - Khan, A. L., Hasan, M. M., Islam, M. N., & Uddin, M. S. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Tools in Developing English Writing Skills: Bangladeshi University EFL Students’ Perceptions. English Education: Jurnal Tadris Bahasa Inggris, 17(2), 345-371. https://dx.doi.org/
10.24042/ee-jtbi.v17i2.24369 - Uddin, M. S., Islam, M. N., Nirjon, M. I. H., Hilaly, M. R., Mazed, M. F. H., & Hasan, M. M. (2024). University EFL Teachers’ Perceptions About the Effectiveness of AI-Enhanced E-Assessments in Bangladesh: A Phenomenological Study. Bulletin of Advanced English Studies, 9(2), 71-82. https://doi.org/10.
31559/BAES2024.9.2.4 - Hasan, M. M., & Roxy, R. Y. (2023). Error Analysis of English Paragraphs of Kindergarten School Students. Southeast -University Journal of English Department, Vol.5 (1), 7-32.
- Hasan, M. M., Banna, H., & Ahsan, M. (2021). Incorporating Google Meet and Google Classroom in Online English Teaching at Tertiary Level amidst Covid-19. Begum Rokeya University Journal of Arts, Vol 2(1), 35-66.
- Aktar, T., Maniruzzaman, M., Khan, H. R., & Hasan, M. M. (2022). Teachers’narratives from initial virtual classrooms and professional development during the COVID-19 pandemic in developing Bangladesh. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 23(3), 230-245. (Scopus Indexed)
- Ahsan, M., Saiyara, N., & Hasan, M. M. (2022). Society Versus the Desires of Women in Madame Bovary and Grihadaha: The Scandalous Woman Conundrum. International Journal of Language and Literary Studies, 4(1), 239-248.
- Hasan, M. M. (2020). Teachers' Professional Development During Pandemic: Narrative from a University Teacher. Southeast University Journal, Special Issue on COVID-19.
- Uddin, M. K., Uzir, M. U. H., Hasan, M. M., Hassan, M. S., & Sahabuddin, M. (2020). A Scientific Novel Way of Article and Thesis Writing: Findings from a Survey on Keyword, Sequence, and Importance (KSI) Technique. Universal Journal of Educational Research Vol.8 (12A). (Scopus Indexed)
- Hasan, M. M., Younus, M. A. L., Ibrahim, F., Islam, M., & Islam, M. M. (2020). Effects of new Media on English Language Learning Motivation at Tertiary Level. Advances in Language and Literary Studies, 11(6).
- Hasan, M. M., Hossain, M. M., Bhuiyan, M. A., & Mahmud, M. Z. A. (2020). Impacts of Digitization on L2 Teaching and Learning in Bangladesh: A Study of Tertiary Level, Society and Progress, Vol. 2, Pp 106-117
- Hasan, M. M., Ibrahim, F., Mustapha, M., Islam., M. M., & Younus, M. A. (2018). Effects of YouTube Videos in Learning English Language Skills at Tertiary Level in Bangladesh. Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur Research Journal (IUKLRJ), 6(1).
- Hasan, M. M., Khan, N. M., & Hossain, M. M. (2018). Influence of E-Social Network Sites on English Language: Are We Experiencing a New Variety of English?. Journal of Primeasia University, 1 (2), 48-53.
- Rahman, A., Abidin, N. S., & Hasan, M. M. (2018). Factors Affecting Employees’ Motivation at Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur. International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 17(2).
- Hasan, M. M., & Ibrahim, F. (2017). Effects of Blog, Wiki and Google Docs in Learning English Language: A Study of Bangladesh at Tertiary Level. Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur Research Journal (IUKLRJ), 5(1).
- Hasan, M. M., & Rahman, M. A. (2017). Impacts of Language Lab in Transforming Traditional Learners into Autonomous Learners. Dhaka International University Journal, 9(2).
- Sarwar, S. & Hasan, M. M. (2017). Staging Shakespearean Play: A Comparative Study of Past and Present. European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies (EJELLS), 5 (7), Pp. 8-15.
- Hasan, M. M., & Labonya, N. A. (2016). Using Facebook in ELT: Higher secondary teachers’ perspective in Bangladesh. European American J, 4(9), 86-100.
- Hossain, M. M., Hasan, M. M., & Meraj, A. A. (2015). Redefining Bangladeshi Variety of English: Print and Electronic Media Perspective. International Journal, 3(6), 1280-1286.
- Hasan, M. M. (2022). Factors Influencing Teacher’s Perception of Plagiarism in Higher Education: Evidence from Bangladesh. In The 2nd International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development (ITD-2022), Green University.
- Hasan, M. M. (2022). EFL Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Efficiency of E-assessments at Tertiary Level During COVID-19. In The 2nd International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development (ITD-2022), Green University.
- Hasan, M. M. (2022). Teaching and Learning Online in the COVID-19 Era: Narratives from English Medium School Teachers in Bangladesh. In The 2nd International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development (ITD-2022), Green University.
- Hasan, M. M. (2021). Incorporating Google Meet and Google Classroom in Online English Teaching at Tertiary Level in Covid-19. In The International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development (ITD-2021), Green University.
- Hasan, M. M. (2021). Emergency Remote Learning (ERL) Experience of University Students Regarding Learning Strategies, Advantages and Quality of Education in COVID-19. In The International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development (ITD-2021).
- Hasan, M. M. (2018). Communication Difficulties Faced by International Students in Malaysia: A Study Among Bangladeshi Students in Malaysia. In the IUKL International Postgrad Colloquia (IIPC-2018).
- Hasan, M. M. (2018). Teacher Student Relationship Redefined in a Multicultural Classroom at Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur. In the 17th Kuala Lumpur International Business, Economics and Law Conference 2018.
- Hasan, M. M. (2017). Language Lab in Foreign Language Teaching: Reshaping the Ways We Teach English; Innovation, Adaptation and Possibilities. In the National Conference on New Media and Identity Formation on January 21, 2017, East West University, Bangladesh.
- Hasan, M. M. (2017). Impacts of Teaching Speaking Skills in a Flipped Classroom: A Study of ESL Instructors at Tertiary Level in Malaysia. In the National Conference on New Media and Identity Formation on January 21, 2017, East West University, Bangladesh.
- Hassan, M. M., & Mahmud, R. (2017). Incorporating Smartphones in Teaching English at Higher Secondary Level. In the 22nd NELTA Conference Proceedings 2017, ISSN 2091-0487, PP. 122-125.
- Hasan, M. M., & Khan, N. M. (2017). Enhancing Learner Autonomy by Using Audio-visual Materials in EFL Classroom. In the 22nd NELTA Conference Proceedings 2017, ISSN 2091-0487, PP. 135-137.
- Hasan, M. M., & Hasan, N. B. (2017). Professional Development for ELT Practitioners: What are the Best Possible Ways to Enhance Professionalism? In the 22nd NELTA Conference Proceedings 2017, ISSN 2091-0487, PP. 142-145.
- Hasan, M. M. (2016). Influence of Social Networking Sites (SNS) in the Emergence of Bangladeshi English Variety. In the International Conference on Envisioning Our Common Future in 22-23 Dec, 2016, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Hasan, M. M. (2016). Motivational Strategies for Teaching English Language Skills: A Study of Tertiary Level Teachers. In “Proceedings of IUKL International Postgrad Colloquia (IIPC-2016)”, Center for Postgraduate Studies (CPS), Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, pp. 389-410, ISBN 978-967-10730-5-6
- Hasan, M. M., & Alam, A. (2016). Impacts of BRAC Teacher Training for Secondary School English Language Teacher on Classroom. In “Proceedings of IUKL International Postgrad Colloquia (IIPC-2016)”, Center for Postgraduate Studies (CPS), Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, pp. 323-348, ISBN 978-967-10730-5-6.
- Conducted a day-long workshop on "Public Speaking: Win the Stage and Wow Your Audience" at Rabindra University, Bangladesh, on 4 October 2024.
- Conducted a day-long workshop on "The Art of Connection: Mastering Communication Skills" at Rabindra University, Bangladesh, on 3 October 2024.
- Conducted a two-day long workshop on “Academic Survival Skills for University Students” at Southeast University from 20-21 Aug 2023.
- Conducted a daylong workshop for 200 college students on “Public Speaking: The Secrets To Making a Lasting Impression” in Shanarpar Rowshonara Degree College, Narayangonj, in 2023.
- Delivered a lecture on “Million Dollar Tips on Graduating On Time (GOT) in Ph.D.” as a Keynote Speaker in the Postgraduate Student Conference in Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in 2023.
- Delivered a lecture in the symposium on “The Use of Gamification in Education” as a Keynote Speaker in INTI International University, Malaysia, in 2022.
- Conducted a workshop on “Choosing Your Next Education Destination” for 200 students joining from top five colleges located in Dhaka in 2022.
- Conducted a workshop on “Public Speaking: A Must Skill” for 150 college students joining from five renowned colleges located in Dhaka in 2022.
- Delivered a lecture in the symposium on “The Adoption of IR4.0 in Education Industry” as a Keynote Speaker in 2021.
- Conducted a daylong workshop on “Thesis Writing: Accomplish Your Research On Time” at Feni University, Feni in 2022.
- Chaired a Session in The International Conference on Innovation and Transformation for Development (ITD-2021), Green University.
- Conducted Public Lecture on Bilingualism: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Date: 24 Aug, 2016 at Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur.
- Conducted Public Lecture on Flipped Learning: What, Why and How? A Learning and Teaching Approach. Date: 21 September, 2016 at Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur.
- Conducted Public Lecture on Graduate Proficient System (GPS). Date: 25 September, 2018, Organized by PhD Candidates at Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur.
- Attended Public Lecture on What Defines a True Professional? Conducted by Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ab. Rahim Selamat. Date: 4 May 2018 at Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur.
- Attended workshop on Referring Technique Using Mendeley in 26 July 2017 arranged by Centre For Postgraduate Studies (CPS), Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur.
- Attended Public Lecture on How to Publish Your Paper in High Impact Journal in 26 July 2017 arranged by Centre For Postgraduate Studies (CPS), Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur.
- Attended Daylong Workshop entitled Let’s Chalk 2017 in 15 Aug 2017 jointly organized by Institute of Public Relations Malaysia (IPRM) and Faculty of Arts, Communication and Education, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur.
- Orientation to ULAB
- Induction Training for Tertiary Teachers
- Teaching and learning strategies
- Student Advising
- Use of Technology (Moodle)
- Assessment of Learning
- Basic Training for Tertiary Teachers
- Problem-based learning
- AI and advanced technology for teaching
- Advanced Training for Tertiary Teachers
- Quality research and publication
- Research funding and collaboration
- Innovation and technological integration
- Leadership in higher education
- Teaching for Active Learning