DEH Student Workshop: Recommendation Letters - Ground Rules
On November 2, 2023, the Department of English and Humanities at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh commenced a series of mandatory workshops for Fall 2023 for the ENG 413, ENG 498, and ENG 499 students on the online platform, Google Meet. The workshop series aims to equip the final term students with certain skills before they begin their careers or higher studies.
The series began with a workshop on “Recommendation Letters: Ground Rules” where students received training on how to obtain a valid recommendation letter, which is needed when applying for jobs or higher studies. The session was facilitated by the Head of the Department, Ms. Arifa Ghani Rahman.
The workshop began with a task assigned by the facilitator. Students were asked to write an email requesting a letter of recommendation from a referee. Subsequently, emphasis was put on why and how recommendation letters are important for the upcoming graduates. It was also stressed why maintaining the ground rules to obtain the letter was necessary for students intending to pursue higher studies or to achieve a career position. The key points in the discussion revolved around good composition, Do’s and Don’ts to request a recommendation letter, and how and how not to ask for a recommendation.
The facilitator further explained that recommendation letters require time to compose, so students should not expect to request the letters at the last minute from referees. She mentioned how students would need to provide at least three weeks of time to their referee, along with relevant information and documents, so that the recommendation letter can be customized. The facilitator also suggested some ways to highlight achievements. Moreover, she discussed the proper etiquette that needs to be maintained throughout the procedure.
As the end of the workshop session approached, Ms. Arifa Ghani Rahman encouraged the participating students to state their concerns which she promptly resolved. The workshop concluded with a review of all the points discussed and the concerns that caught the spotlight.
Report by Sajia Afroza Khan (201013057)