DEH Student Workshop: Presentation Skills
The Department of English and Humanities (DEH) at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB) held a session called “Presentation Skills” on April 18, 2024. The workshop was developed for students enrolled in ENG 498, ENG 499 and ENG 413, as well as students of MA, to enhance their presentation capabilities. The session was led by Ms. Nadia Rahman, Assistant Professor, Department of English and Humanities.
Ms. Rahman started the session with a question to the students about what they should do during a presentation. Upon hearing the responses, she went on to explain the do’s and don'ts of presentations, and emphasized on summarizing the contents as well as focusing on the relevant topics. She further talked about the importance of time management, as well as avoiding stage fright, as it is something that many students suffer from. Additionally, she told the students to be mindful of the audience as they can become distracted.
Ms. Rahman mentioned the four P’s: plan, prepare, practice, and perform, stating that students will be much better at presenting in front of an audience using these four P’s. She also mentioned that there are three messages that every presenter must be mindful about: the physical message, which the presenter conveys through their posture and appearance; the visual message, which is conveyed by the contents of their PowerPoint slides through the use of muted colors and standard fonts because experimenting can often result in the audience not being able to read or understand the slides; and the story message, where the presenter must connect their points with the topic selected to keep it coherent.
Ms. Rahman ended the session by telling the students that they, in turn, must be a good audience member by showing respect to the other presenters and being mindful of the presenters’ words. Ms. Rahman wrapped up the session by showing the students some samples about how to prepare their PowerPoint slides as a presenter.
Report by Khondoker Noor Mohammad (202013030)