Minor Declaration for Spring 2025

Minor Declaration for Spring 2025

Publish Date: 
Sunday, November 3, 2024
Department of English & Humanities (DEH), Bachelor of Arts in English

Minor Declaration for Spring 2025 

Minor Declaration Form Submission Deadline: November 17, 2024

Why Minor Declaration is Important?
Without declaring minor, you will not be able to take Minor courses during Fall 2024 course pre-registration. Please note that even after fulfilling the eligibility criteria, you will not be allowed to register for Higher Elective or Concentration courses and Minor courses without declaring your minor.

Eligibility Criteria for Batch 182, 183, 192, 193, 201, and 202:

  1. Completed 66 credits in Summer 2024. Students who are going to complete 78 credits in Fall 2024 are also eligible.

  2. Completed 10 GED courses (ENG 101, ENG 102, ENG 103, CSE 101, 3 Compulsory GED Courses, 3 GED Electives Courses.)

  3. Students enrolled in their 10th GED course in Fall 2024  are also eligible to declare minor.


Eligibility Criteria for Batches from 203 Onwards (e.g. 211,212, 213, 221, 222, 223…) : 

  1. Completed 63 credits in  Summer 2024. Students who are going to complete 63 credits in Fall 2024 are also eligible.

  2. Completed the following 8 GED courses: GEF 1101, GEF 1201, UCC 1101, UCC 1201, UCC 1202, GED Tier I (Arts and Humanities), GED Tier II (Social Sciences), GED Tier III (Natural Sciences).

  3. Students enrolled in their 8th GED course in Fall 2024 are also eligible to declare minor.


How to Submit the Minor Declaration Form?

  1. Check the eligibility criteria and determine if you are eligible.

  2. Print your Summer 2024 grade report (email  DEH’s Senior Admin Officer Sanjib Kumar Sardar for the PDF copy). 

  3. Collect the physical copy of the Minor Declaration Form from the DEH Office. (The soft copy is available on the DEH website.)

  4. Contact your advisor for an appointment. Avoid contacting your advisor right before the deadline.

  5. Consult with your advisor to check if you will be eligible to declare your minor this term. Bring your Summer 2024  grade report with you. 


How to complete the form?

  1. Write your full name, ID, phone no., email address, and credits completed up to Summer 2024 .

  2. Write clearly whether you want to declare a subject-specific minor (BBA/MSJ/CSE/SD/EEE/SAS) or Optional (courses from any departments except for DEH).

  3. Sign the form.

  4. Collect your advisor’s signature and write his/her full name in the Advisor's Name section. (You do not need to collect the BA coordinator's signature.)

  5. Attach the printed copy of your Summer 2024  grade report.

  6. Submit the completed, signed Minor declaration form and the grade report to the DEH office before   November 17, 2024. Minor declaration forms submitted after the deadline will not be processed.

  7. After verification, the forms will be sent to the Registrar’s Office from the department. Please check your URMS before pre-registration for Spring 2025 to see whether minor/optional courses have been offered or not. If not, please contact the BA coordinator.