Distress, Duress and Dichotomy: Sociological Perspectives on the Scroll Painters of Naya
Atmadeep Ghoshal and Anjali Gera Roy
Abstract: The sociology of everyday life is a paradigm of theoretical orientation. The complexities of the everyday life of the social actors exhibit more than what is there in the framework of the apparent reality and help in constructing a fulfilling and applicable idea about the social actors. This essay aims to examine such complexities in the fabric of the everyday lives of the scroll painters of Naya, a village in West Midnapore district of West Bengal which are exhibited and expressed in various forms and ways. Th rough examining the social space of Naya that constitutes the lifeworld of the scroll painters and their spatial identity, this essay aims to understand the transformative lifeworld of the scroll painters to argue that the social space of the village acts as an invisible force of the institutionalization of innovation, ingenuity, and integrity
Keywords: patua, patachitra, Naya, social space, lifeworld, spatial identity
Published in September 2021